Blackfalds & Area Historical Society

Linking Past & Present



(1) Erasmus, Peter. Buffalo Days and Nights (as told to Henry Thompson). Calgary: Glenbow Institute, 1999.

Doll, Maurice F. V., Kidd, Robert S., Day, John P. The Buffalo Lake Métis Site: A Late Nineteenth Century Settlement in the Parkland of Central Alberta. Edmonton: Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism Historical Resources Division, 1988.

Garreth, Brenda. Convent Hill Context Paper. Red Deer: Waskasoo Word Works, 2018.

Belanger, Art J. The Calgary-Edmonton Trail. Calgary: Frontier Press, 1973.

Palliser, John. Exploration-British North America. The journals, detailed reports, and observations relative to the exploration, by Captain Palliser, of that portion of British North America, which, in latitude, lies between the British boundary line and the height of land or watershed of the northern or frozen ocean respectively, and in longitude, between the western shore of Lake Superior and the Pacific Ocean during the years 1857, 1858, 1859, and 1860. London: G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1863.

Belliveau, Anne. Small Moments In Time. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd., 1999.

Dempsey, Hugh A. A History of Rocky Mountain House. Ottawa: Crown Copyrights, National Historic Sites Service, 1973.

Land of the Lakes. Lamberton: Lamerton Historical Society, 1974.

MacGregor, J. G. The Battle River Valley. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1976.

McDonald, Pat. Where the River Brought Them. Rocky Mountain House: Creative Office, 2001.

Dawe, Wellington. A History of Red Deer. Red Deer: The Kiwanis Club of Red Deer, 1967.

McDougall, John. Parsons on the Plains. Don Mills: Longman Canada Ltd. 1971.

Butler, William Francis. The Great Lone Land. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1968.

MacGregor, J. G. Blankets and Beads. Edmonton: The Institute of Applied Art Ltd. 1949.

MacEwan, Grant. Grant MacEwan's West – Sketches From the Past. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1990.

Meeres, E. L. The Homesteads That Nurtured a City. Red Deer: Fletcher Printing Co. Ltd. 1978.