
Mural Sources

Citation #Source
Buffalo Days and Nights
Peter Erasmus
Calgary: Glenbow Institute, 1999
The Buffalo Lake Métis Site: A Late Nineteenth Century Settlement in the Parkland of Central Alberta
Maurice F. V. Doll, Robert S. Kidd, John P. Day
Edmonton: Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism Historical Resources Division, 1988
Convent Hill Context Paper
Brenda Garreth
Red Deer: Waskasoo Word Works, 2018
The Calgary-Edmonton Trail
Art J. Belanger
Calgary: Frontier Press, 1973
Exploration-British North America
John Palliser
London: G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1863
Small Moments In Time
Anne Belliveau
Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd., 1999
A History of Rocky Mountain House
Hugh A. Dempsey
Ottawa: Crown Copyrights, National Historic Sites Service, 1973
Land of the Lakes
Lamberton: Lamerton Historical Society, 1974
The Battle River Valley
J. G. MacGregor
Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1976
Where the River Brought Them
Pat McDonald
Rocky Mountain House: Creative Office, 2001
A History of Red Deer
Wellington Dawe
Red Deer: The Kiwanis Club of Red Deer, 1967
Parsons on the Plains
John McDougall
Don Mills: Longman Canada Ltd., 1971
The Great Lone Land
William Francis Butler
Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1968
Blankets and Beads
J. G. MacGregor
Edmonton: The Institute of Applied Art Ltd., 1949
Grant MacEwan's West – Sketches From the Past
Grant MacEwan
Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1990
The Homesteads That Nurtured a City
E. L. Meeres
Red Deer: Fletcher Printing Co. Ltd., 1978